Tuesday, November 15, 2022

33rd Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 16-11-2022

Apocalypse 4:1-11 / Luke 19:11-28     

At our baptism, we are called Christians.

To be a Christian means that we are disciples of Jesus Christ and our way of life is the way of the Gospel.

But what is the Christian way of life? What are we called to be?

Our baptism calling and our Christian way of life is the calling to holiness and to live life in the way of holiness.

The God who created us is the God of holiness and hence we are called to be holy just as God is holy.

In the 1st reading, the whole realm of heaven proclaimed the holiness of God and that holiness is expressed in the glory, honour and power of God, and in all that God has created.

So God created us to be holy, He created the world to be holy, so that all creation is a reflection of God’s holiness.

In our Christian way of life, there are many ways to express that holiness of God, like in our love for God and for others, in our works of charity, in gentleness and kindness, in compassion and forgiveness.

In the gospel parable, we see another expression of God’s holiness and that is in our faithfulness to God in our duties and responsibilities.

When we are faithful to our duties and responsibilities, we are also faithful to our calling to be holy, and in doing so, we give glory to God who is holy.