Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Wednesday of Holy Week, 31-03-2021

Isaiah 50:4-9 / Matthew 26:14-25    

In the gospel readings of the past two days and as well as today, there is a recurring mention of one particular character.

Other than Jesus, there is the mention of Judas Iscariot, and it is certainly something not edifying at all.

From his criticism about the wastage of the costly ointment that was used to anoint the feet of Jesus to his plotting with the chief priests to betray Jesus, Judas seemed to be getting the attention.

His emotionless actions and pretence at the Last Supper was really amazing and hence it can't be helped to just wonder about him and what was going on in his mind and heart.

Indeed evil seems so mysterious that it can capture our attention and to make us focus on it.

But we need to turn our focus on Jesus especially as we enter into the sacred Triduum tomorrow.

As we reflect on what Jesus said in today's gospel, He was hitting it really hard as He talks about betrayal by one of  the Twelve and He even said that it would be better if that man had never been born.

That sounded harsh and rather shocking, but Jesus was making that final attempt to wake the betrayer out of his intended evil action.

And that should also wake us up from our own sinfulness and to realise we have been complacent about our spiritual state and darkness had fallen upon us.

Let us wake up from our slumber. Let us follow Jesus in His suffering and death. Let us realise that Jesus suffered and died to save us from our sins. 

Let us die to our sins so that Jesus can lift us up to the new life of love that He wants to give us.