Tuesday, March 16, 2021

4th Week of Lent, Wednesday, 17-03-2021

Isaiah 49:8-15 / John 5:17-30     

To be busy and to be in a hurry are two different things, although they tend to get mixed up in life.

We can be busy with a lot of tasks, but we need not be in a hurry to get them done.

On the other hand, if we were to hurry through our tasks, we will not get them done properly. And more haste could mean less speed.

Also, when we hurry through our tasks, we are focused more on the time rather than what is to be done properly.

Not only are we not focused to what is to be done properly, we also forget what are the necessary things that need to be done for the task.

In the 1st reading, the people were saying that the Lord has abandoned them, and that the Lord has forgotten them.

The Lord responded by saying that He will never forget His people, just as a woman does not forget her baby at the breast.

So we are the ones who are so busy with other things and hurry about in life that we forget about God and what He wants of us.

Jesus tells us that His aim is not to do His own will but the will of the Father.

Let us focus on what God wants of us and what His will is for us. 

Then we won't be busy or hurry with the unnecessary.