Sunday, March 7, 2021

3rd Week of Lent, Monday, 08-03-2021

2 Kings 5:1-15 / Luke 4:24-30     

There is one emotion that we always struggle with, and that is anger.

When anger is expressed in words or actions, nothing good will come out of it, and it will burn and destroy relationships.

Even when the anger is not expressed, we are not going to be that open to the other person or to any discussion.

In both the readings of today, there is the common expression of anger, and it was an explosive anger.

The army commander, Naaman was enraged when he was told to go and bathe seven times in the river Jordan.

But his servants approached him and reasoned out with him that it was a rather simple thing that the prophet Elisha told him to do. Naaman eventually did what he was told.

On the other hand, the people of the hometown of Jesus were enraged about what Jesus said and they even wanted to throw Him down the cliff.

Whenever we feel the anger coming up and burning within us, let us immediately call on the name of Jesus.

With Jesus, we will be able to slip through the burning grip of our anger, and like Naaman we will know the joy of being at peace with ourselves and with others.