Sunday, March 14, 2021

4th Week of Lent, Monday, 15-03-2021

Isaiah 65:17-21 / John 4:43-54       

In almost every page of the Bible, we read about God's love for His people.

And that love is also reflected in the many stories of parent's love for their children.

In the gospel, we hear of one such story, where a father's son was critically ill to the point of death.

The father approached Jesus and requested Him to come and cure his son.

But the response of Jesus was rather strange as He said to the father, "So you will not believe unless you see signs and portents!"

The gospel of John has this theme of going beyond the signs to having faith, and so Jesus was asking the father if he had faith.

Jesus gave His word that the father's son will recover and the father had to believe that, even without Jesus going down to cure his son.

In our prayers, we often tell God how we want our prayers to be answered. 

But we must believe that God has heard our prayers and will answer them in His own way.

It takes faith to believe that God will answer our prayer. But we have to let God do it His way.