Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Holy Thursday, Year B, 01.04.2021

Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14 / 1 Cor 11:23-26 / John 13:1-15

This evening, as we begin the celebration of the Sacred Triduum, in which we recall and celebrate the great mystery of our salvation, we begin with the Lord's Supper. 

The Lord's Supper, or often called The Last Supper, was that significant occasion when Jesus instituted the Eucharist, the Sacrament of His Body and Blood. 

It was a sacred meal, which began like the Passover meal that we heard in the 1st reading. 

But unlike the Passover meal, something critical and essential was changed. 

As St. Paul recalled in the 2nd reading, Jesus took bread and consecrated as His Body. 

Likewise, He took the Chalice of wine and consecrated it as His Blood. 

And with that, Jesus offered His Body and Blood to His disciples and to the Church. 

It was the sacred meal that consisted of not ordinary bread and wine, but of the living Body and Blood of Christ. 

It is a life-giving meal that preceded the life-giving sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross which we will recall tomorrow. 

As we partake of this sacred life-giving meal, we are called to follow Jesus to offer a life-giving service to God and to others. 

Jesus washed the feet of His disciples to show that the partaking of the life-giving meal of the Eucharist should make us available for service to others. 

Jesus came not to be served, but to serve, and to offer His life as a ransom for many. 

As we begin the celebration of the mystery of our salvation by recalling the institution of the Holy Eucharist, let us be prepared to serve as Jesus did. 

As we partake of the life-giving meal of the Eucharist, let us follow Jesus to offer a life- giving service to the world. 

May our service and our lives also be a reflection of the salvation that Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour is offering to the world.