Sunday, May 29, 2022

7th Week of Easter, Monday, 30-05-2022

Acts 19 : 1-8 / John 16 : 29-33

Fear is usually seen as a negative force which diminishes the human ability.

Fear has a sort of paralysing effect on people.

Yet the positive aspect of fear is that we also experience an increase in the flow of adrenaline, a sort of "rush" so to speak.

That enables us to face the fear and do things that we that we are not usually capable of.

Maybe that was what the disciples in the 1st reading experienced.

They experienced the "rush" of the Spirit when St. Paul laid hands on them after they were baptized.

The experience of the Spirit made them the pioneers in the church in Ephesus.

It will be an experience they will have to fall back on as they meet with difficulties and trouble.

In gospel, Jesus said that in this world we will have trouble.

It seems to come as a package deal in being a Christian.

Coming along with trouble is also fear.

Yet Jesus sends us the Spirit to help us overcome any trouble that we will face so that there will be peace in our hearts.

Let us prepare ourselves with prayer to receive the Holy Spirit who gives us peace and courage to overcome the fear and the troubles of life.