Monday, May 9, 2022

4th Week of Easter, Tuesday, 10-05-2022

Acts 11:19-26 / John 10:22-30   

The rain falls from the sky and waters the earth and the trees bear fruit and bring beauty to the earth.

From this and from the other expressions of nature, we see how God's plan is brought to fulfilment.

Yes, God's plan will be fulfilled even though evil may try to plot and stop it.

God's plan will be fulfilled even though there may be trials and tribulations.

The 1st reading tells of how God's plan was fulfilled by the Church even though there was persecution.

We may have our own plans but we must also be prepared to change plans according to the ways of God.

Barnabas and Saul may not have intended to stay long at Antioch but as things turned out they were to live there the whole year, instructing a large number of people.

Neither would they expected that it was there that they were to be called "Christians", a term that would remain till this day.

For us who are the modern-day Christians, we must be witness that we belong to Christ and that we listen to His voice.

When we listen to the voice of Jesus the Good Shepherd, then God's plan will bear fruit for the salvation of the world.