Tuesday, May 17, 2022

5th Week of Easter, Wednesday, 18-05-2022

 Acts 15:1-6 / John 15:1-8   

Towards the end of a manufacturing or fabrication process, the products undergo an inspection.

The rough and sharp edges are deburred and polished down to make the products neat and presentable.

But rough and sharp edges are not just with unfinished products.

In societies, organisations and in communities, there can be rough and sharp disagreements and views and opinions.

In the 1st reading, there was this issue of circumcision and there was disagreement and long arguments.

So although the early Christian Church was often held as a model of faith, unity and love, yet there were rough and sharp edges.

But the early Church had also learnt from such experiences and the need to refocus on who is the Head of the Church.

Jesus is the true vine and the Church and the members are like the branches of the vine.

With faith and united in love will the Church be able to overcome the rough and sharp edges and be pruned.

Then united with Jesus, we will be able to bear fruits of unity and love.