Tuesday, May 3, 2022

3rd Week of Easter, Wednesday, 04-05-2022

Acts 8:1-8 / John 6:35-40      

To be in a comfort zone certainly gives a nice feeling of safety and security.

It is like a nest where the nestlings are huddled together and their parents bring them food.

In the safety and security of the nest, the nestlings grow under the care of their parents.

But the day will come when the nestling must learn how to fly and that means that they have to step out of the nest.

And sometimes the parents have to push the nestlings out of the nest in order to make them learn how to fly.

For the early Church, things seemed rather peaceful until the persecution started, as was told in the 1st reading.

Suddenly, it was chaos and turmoil and everyone fled to the country districts of Judaea and Samaria.

But the good thing that came out of that terrible situation was that the early Christians went from place to place preaching the Good News.

For those who have faith in God, they see countless blessings even when their comfort and security were disturbed and broken.

May we too have that faith to know in every turmoil and tribulation, there is always God's invitation to growth and revelation.