Monday, May 16, 2022

5th Week of Easter, Tuesday, 17-05-2022

Acts 14:19-28 / John 14:27-31   

Whenever we say that we hope, it may imply that we are hoping for the favourable outcome.

So we hope that our prayers are answered, we hope that things will be better, we hope that people will change.

Generally when we say that we hope, we are also implying that we are wishing that things will turn out our way.

But when things don't turn out our way, will we lose hope, and will our faith be shaken?

When we say that we hope, we must remember that we are not merely wishing for a good and favourable outcome.

We hope in the Lord because we believe in God and that God's plan will be carried out according to His will.

That was the hope of the early Church that was portrayed in the 1st reading.

It was their hope in God that gave them the faith to go another step into the next day and into the future.

May we have the same hope in God so that we will have peace in our hearts, knowing that everything is in God's hands.

Hope and peace are truly gifts from God. Let us always be thankful for it.