Sunday, May 15, 2022

5th Week of Easter, Monday, 16-05-2022

Acts 14:5-18 / John 14:21-26   

Pop stars and movie stars and also sports stars have something in common and it is called the "fan-club".

These fans of these stars can be so caught up with these stars that it can be quite puzzling to say the least and can even seem quite crazy at time.

As for those stars, having a fan-club would certainly boost their popularity and the more fans that follow them will mean that there will be more money coming in for them.

For Paul and Barnabas, when they worked a miracle in curing the crippled man, the crowd was full of admiration and even thought of them as god disguised as men.

Paul and Barnabas could be given in to the temptation of popularity and admiration, and they really tried to tell the crowd that it was the living God who should be thanked and not them.

And just like Paul and Barnabas, we too will be tempted to boost our pride and ego when we get praises and recognition for doing some work, whether at our jobs or in Church.

May we always remember that whatever we do, let it be for the glory of God and to lead others to God.

As Jesus said in the gospel, if we keep His word, God will love us and God will make His home in us.

When God makes His home in us, we will bear fruits for God and not for ourselves.