1 John 5:14-21 / John 3:22-30
If we were to look around, would it be easy to find someone who is truly happy and contented.
It would be truly amazing to be able to find someone or people who are truly happy and contented.
But our own life experience tells us happiness and contentment are so elusive.
Even if we are happy and contented, it is only momentary.
More than half the time, we are either grumbling about something or unsatisfied with what we already have.
Here is where we need to reflect and think deep about that statement from John the Baptist in today’s gospel: “A man can lay claim only to what is given him from heaven.”
When we understand the meaning and the truth of that statement, then we will look at what we already had been given.
More than just what we have, Jesus wants to give us something much greater.
He wants to come into our lives and fill our heart, so that when He becomes greater and we become less, then we will be happier.
Everything we have comes from God, but to have Jesus making His home in our hearts, then we will be truly happy and contented.