Hebrews 2:5-12 / Mark 1:21-28
The book of Genesis tells us that God made man in His image.
So every person carries in himself a divine dignity.
But when mankind fell into sin, that divine dignity was tarnished.
The divine image in man became disfigured and contorted.
Sin also created openings in the heart of a person for evil spirits to even have possession of the person.
Such was the case of the man who was possessed by an unclean spirit in the gospel passage.
But that man was in the synagogue and it could mean that he wants to be liberated for the evil possession and also be freed from sin.
In delivering that man from the possession of the unclean spirit, Jesus reiterated the purpose of His mission.
Jesus came to break the power of evil, to forgive sins, and to restore humanity back to the divine dignity.
Let us turn to Jesus and ask for forgiveness for our sins and the sin of humanity.
Let us also ask Jesus for the healing of our hearts so that we can also be restored into the image of God and to help others discover their divine dignity.