Hebrews 7:25 - 8:6 / Mark 3:7-12
One of the more common phrases that are used to end off a prayer is this: We ask this through Christ our Lord.
That phrase is used in the Liturgy and also other devotional prayers.
It is a phrase that is used and heard often, but it is a phrase that reminds us of who Jesus Christ is.
Jesus Christ was sent by God to bring sinful humanity back to God.
He is the Saviour and in Him we are forgiven and saved by His sacrifice on the Cross.
As the 1st reading says: The power of Jesus to save is utterly certain, since He is living for ever to intercede for all who come to God through Him.
When a prayer ends off with “We ask this through Christ our Lord” we respond by saying “Amen.”
In saying Amen, we profess that Jesus is our Saviour who came to save us, forgive us our sins so that we can turn back to God who loves us.
In saying Amen, we declare our belief that our prayers are heard by God because Jesus intercedes for us.
Yes, through Jesus, with Jesus and in Jesus, we are blessed with salvation, forgiveness and healing.
So, let us say Amen with conviction and give thanks to Jesus for being our Saviour.