1 John 5:5-13 / Luke 5:12-16
There is one problem that is inherent in all machinery and equipment.
And that is wear and tear.
So after a time, the parts need to be replaced or repaired.
Even household items need to be maintained.
Knives need to be sharpened. Batteries need to be charged.
As for the spiritual life, our minds and hearts also need to be sharpened and maintained with prayer.
Otherwise, the weeds of sin will grow leading to moral decay and spiritual leprosy.
In the gospel, Jesus cured the leper of his disease.
It also symbolizes that Jesus wants to forgive our sins and heal us of our spiritual decay and leprosy.
But like Jesus, we too must pray and be faithful at it.
Life is fragile. Let us handle it with prayer and invoke God’s blessings on ourselves as well as on others.