Thursday, December 28, 2023

Fifth Day Within the Octave of Christmas, Friday, 29-12-2023

1 John 2:3-11 / Luke 2:22-35    

One of the common casual questions that we ask each other is “How’s life?”

And we would often give a common casual answer “It’s ok”.

But seriously, we may want to reflect a little deeper about how are we getting on in life.

A casual answer will not be sufficient to address such a profound question about life.

In the gospel, Simeon was an upright and devout man, and he looked forward to Israel’s comforting and the Holy Spirit rested on him.

That says a lot about Simeon, and on that day when Mary and Joseph brought the infant Jesus to the Temple, Simeon received a prompting from the Holy Spirit.

He had finally set eyes on the Christ of the Lord, the salvation that God prepared for all the nations to see.

For Simeon, he can say that he lived a life in the light of the Lord, and he is prepared to move on towards that eternal light.

As much as we think that there is much darkness in the world, yet the light of Christ shines for us and the darkness cannot overcome that light.

May the light of Christ strengthen us to live upright and devout lives.

And that by loving God and our neighbours, may we reflect the light of God’s salvation for the world.