Sunday, December 17, 2023

Advent 18th December 2023, Monday

Jeremiah 23:5-8 / Matthew 1:18-24    

We know how difficult it can be to get everyone in a group to agree to a proposal.

In fact, the more people there are in a group, the more difficult it will be to come to a unanimous agreement or decision.

There will be much time spent on meetings and discussions to get “buy-in” from the individuals in the group.

When God planned to save humanity from sin, that plan of salvation was announced by the prophets.

Though the people knew about the plan of salvation and looked forward to it, they may not think that they would be personally be involved in it.

The gospel recounted how Jesus Christ came to be born.

It involved people like Mary and Joseph. 

As we know it now, God’s plan of salvation was not immediately clear to Mary and Joseph.

They had to discern before finally accepting to be a part of God’s plan of salvation.

We too may not be that clear about God’s plan for us and what His will is for us.

Like Mary and Joseph, we have to put our trust in God that He will be with us as we carry out His will.

We need to believe in that promise that “God-is-with-us”.