Friday, December 22, 2023

Advent 23rd December 2023, Saturday

Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24 / Luke 1:57-66   

It is quite amazing to think that everyone who comes into this world has a particular and unique purpose.

Regardless of whether they are Christians or not, and regardless of other identifications, every person is not just a mere digit in the world’s population.

Every person’s purpose contribute to the existence and direction of the world.

In the gospel, the birth of John the Baptist brought about great rejoicing.

God had shown Elizabeth so great a kindness, and the people shared her joy.

Zechariah regained his power of speech and he spoke and praised God.

The people were astonished that Zechariah and Elizabeth have named their son “John”.

The people wondered what will the child turn out to be.

All this makes us ponder and reflect about our purpose as individuals in this world.

We are certainly not insignificant in the eyes of God, as He has a plan and a purpose for each of us.

May God reveal His plan and purpose to us, so that we will know what we must do in order that our lives will give glory and praise to God.