Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Advent 20th December 2023, Wednesday

Isaiah 7:10-14 / Luke 1:26-38   

A question that often comes to the mind is that why did God go through all that trouble in saving humanity.

God could have just come down in great power and might and people, even hardened sinners, would go down on their knees and repent.

Instead God came as a helpless baby, born of a woman and born in harsh surroundings.

And from the moment of His birth, Jesus faced persecution and eventually was crucified on the Cross.

All this is bewildering, because Jesus is God and yet He subjected Himself to human conditions and faced human rejections.

As we reflect on God’s love for us, we hear in the 1st reading how king Ahaz was so obstinate as to reject the sign that God wants to give.

And in the gospel, God’s plan of salvation seems to depend on Mary’s consent in order to be fulfilled.

All this tells us that as much as God can insist and demand that we obey, He would rather that we respond to His love.

It was with love that God wanted to save humanity. 

Let us also respond with love to God’s will and His plan for us.