Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Thursday after Ash Wednesday, 23-02-2023

Deuteronomy 30:15-20 / Luke 9:22-25         
Needless to say, we want to live a good and happy life.

That would probably mean a trouble-free and peaceful life.

Better still if there can be a few comforts and luxuries throw in.

That was what Moses was telling the people about God’s promises if they were to remain faithful to the Lord.

But if they stray and were unfaithful, then tragedy will await them.

That was as straight-forward as it could be for the people to make their choice.

But in the gospel, Jesus is telling His disciples that He is destined to suffer grievously and even put to death, but He will be raised up on the third day.

And then He says that if anyone wants to be His disciple, that person will have to take up the cross every day and follow Him.

We might think that it would be really difficult to take up our cross and live a life of sacrifice and suffering.

But Jesus tells us in taking up our cross and accepting suffering, we would gain life instead of losing it.

Let us believe in Jesus and take up our cross and follow Him and we will receive abundant blessings from the Lord.