Friday, February 10, 2023

5th Week, Ordinary Time, Saturday, 11-02-2023

Genesis 3:9-24 / Mark 8:1-10

The act of eating is a common human activity and we often do it without much reflection.

Especially when food is in abundance, eating can become a sort of consumption.

So we give food reviews and take note of where to go for the best tasting food.

We tend to forget that what we eat goes into our digestive system.

And if we eat something bad, then we are going to have a rough tummy problem.

In the 1st reading, Adam and Eve ate something that they were told not to eat and for that they had to pay a really heavy price.

It may not be bad for the tummy but it certainly corrupted their souls.

The act of eating, in the spiritual sense, is about being in communion with someone.

In eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve allowed sin to enter into their lives and broke their communion with God.

As we come for the Eucharist, we have also come to partake of the Bread of Life that leads us into a communion with Jesus our Lord.

May we always treasure this communion and may we resist anything that will break our relationship with Jesus.