Thursday, February 23, 2023

Friday after Ash Wed, 24-02-2023

Isaiah 58:1-9 / Matthew 9:14-15     

The season of Lent is a season for deeper prayer and a deeper awareness of our sinfulness.

A deeper prayer and a deeper awareness of our sinfulness would lead us to repentance and to do penance for the reparation of our sins.

So in short, the season of Lent is about prayer and penance as a direction for repentance and conversion.

But as much as prayer and penance start with oneself, it does not end there.

Prayer and penance should make us love God and love others.

Prayer and penance should make us want to be loving and do good for others.

Otherwise, the season of Lent, with the emphasis on prayer, penance and almsgiving would have no meaning if it is just to make us look at ourselves.

In the 1st reading, the Lord tells His people what their prayer and fasting should lead to.

It should lead them to act justly and with charity, to share bread with the hungry and shelter the homeless poor.

In other words, our prayer and fasting and penance should make us more loving and forgiving, as well as kinder and more compassionate towards others.

Then prayer, fasting and penance will truly be a joy-fill experience of the love of God for us.