Tuesday, February 14, 2023

6th Week, Ordinary Time, Wednesday, 15-02-2023

Genesis 8:6-13, 20-22 / Mark 8:22-26   

As much as there are happy moments in life, we also know that happy moments don’t last long.

Happy moments are intertwined with sad and unhappy moments, just like the twines of a rope.

But just as happy moments may not last long, the same also should be said of sad and unhappy moments.

Sad and unhappy moments do not last a long time, although we may groan and say that it seems like forever.

In the 1st reading, it was the end of 40 days of rain and things were beginning to clear up.

Those 40 days were long enough for Noah and the company in the ark, but now they are looking forward to fresh air and sunshine and dry ground.

As for the blind man in the gospel, he had waited long enough in the darkness of his world.

Jesus was going to open his eyes and he will see the world in its beauty and brightness.

So when we are going through a dark and rough time, let us remember that it will come to an end.

With faith in God, let us lift up our eyes and beyond the dark clouds, the sun is shining.

Because God’s love is everlasting and He will not leave us sad and unhappy for too long.