Tuesday, August 23, 2022

21st Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 23-08-2022

2 Thess 2:1-3, 14-17 / Matthew 23:23-26   

Truth can be understood in several aspects.

It can be understood as what is factual.

It can also be understood as the opposite of lies and falsehood.

Above all, we understand truth as the essence of God.

In other words, God is truth.

And in the reality of life, we believe that the truth will prevail, because God will prevail.

In the 1st reading, the example that St. Paul and his companions gave to the Thessalonians was not to impress them but it was who they really were.

As messengers of the Good News, St. Paul knew that they have to proclaim the truth with their lives, and people will see that truth.

In the gospel, Jesus warned about hypocrisy, because it distorts the truth with half-lies.

God is truth. He created us in truth. Let us live in the truth and our lives will bear testimony to the God that we believe in.