Friday, August 26, 2022

21st Week, Ordinary Time, Saturday, 27-08-2022

1 Cor 1:26-31 / Matthew 25:14-40

By and large, we are ordinary people and very much like the rest of humanity.

But there are some people who are extra-ordinary in the sense that they are naturally endowed with some special gifts and talents.

They may be gifted and talented in music, or art, or memory, or sports, and that makes them stand out from the rest of humanity.

But gifts and talents can mean nothing if the potential is not put to use.

And gifts and talents mean nothing if it is not for the glory of God and for the service of others.

As the 1st reading puts it, “The human race has nothing to boast about to God”.

That is simply because whatever gifts and talents that we may have come from God, and it is for us to decide how to use those gifts and talents.

We may have only one talent and may having nothing to boast about and nothing to show.

But when we use that one humble talent to help someone, and even to help others, then God will be proud of us because we have used our gifts and talents to give Him glory.