Monday, August 15, 2022

20th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 16-08-2022

Ezekiel 28:1-10 / Matthew 19:23-30     

In the sunshine of confidence and success, the human tendency is to think that our achievements are the result of our abilities and capabilities.

We may even think that we have made it on our own efforts and that nothing is too difficult when we put our mind and heart to it.

We may not be that arrogant as to say that we can achieve the impossible but we may think that we can get what we want if we push hard enough.

In the 1st reading, we heard of the ruler of the prosperous and powerful city of Tyre saying that he is a god, or at least made himself equal to God.

Power and prosperity have blinded him and made him proud and arrogant and he thought that nothing was impossible for him.

But darkness and distress will soon be upon him and he will be made to realise his fragility and mortality.

Let us remember that whatever achievements and abilities and capabilities that we have are gifts and blessings from God.

We should use these gifts and blessings to serve God and to serve and help others.

We came into this world with nothing and we are going to leave this world with nothing.

But when we do everything for the glory of God, then we would have everything.

Because God will be our everything, in this life as well as in eternal life.