Sunday, October 24, 2021

30th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 25-10-2021

Romans 8:12-17 / Luke 13:10-17    

Whenever we think about the God that we believe in, just what few images that will come to mind?

We may see God as a God of power and might, as a Father and Provider, as a loving Father, a Good Shepherd, etc.

Certainly, all these images are connected to the God that we believe in.

The response given to the Responsorial Psalm states this: This God of ours is a God who saves.

That makes us recall that God is our Creator and He created us in His image.

Though we have sinned and distorted and disfigured that image, God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from our sins.

God even sent the Holy Spirit to move our spirits to break free from sin.

And like the woman who was bent double and healed by Jesus, the Holy Spirit will raise us up towards God and be recreated in His image.

Let us live as children of God and show His saving love to others