Monday, October 11, 2021

28th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 12-10-2021

Romans 1:16-25 / Luke 11:37-41   

The existence of God has been a topic of discussion as well as contention from the earliest times.

Even though there is a general belief in a Supreme Being, there are also challenges to the existence of this Supreme Being.

But from creation and from nature, the signs of the existence of God is clear enough for those who believe.

As the 1st reading puts it: Ever since God created the world, his everlasting power and deity, however invisible, have been there for the mind to see in the things he has created.

And the reading goes on to say that there is no excuse to say or think that there is no God or that God does not exist.

But for us who profess our belief in God, then we must also believe that God created us in His image.

We also believe that God loves us and He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to save us from our sins.

Hence our lives must be lived in union with the God that we believe in and our lives must be a reflection of the God that we believe in.

The question of the existence may continue to be debated. 

But the answer will be on how our lives bear witness to our belief in God and in His love for us.