Sunday, October 3, 2021

27th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 04-10-2021

Jonah 1:1 - 2:1, 11 / Luke 10:25-37        

There is one rather strange thing about life and it is this:

You often meet your destiny on the very road that you took to avoid it.

And when we take a moment to think about it, we will be able to see the truth in it.

Whatever we are avoiding or running away from, we seem to run into it and come face to face with it.

And when we think deeper about it, could it be God's way of telling us to face the reality of life so that we can grow and learn from it?

In the 1st reading, Jonah tried to run away from the mission that God was calling him to.

But in the end, it seems that he was running right into the hands of God.

And we don't have to look high and low to see what God wants of us.

God will send people to tell us what He wants of us, just as in the gospel parable, the wounded man was there waiting for help, and it was up to those passing by to see that it was God calling out to them to help that man.

May we open our eyes and ears to see and hear what God wants of us.

The road that God is pointing out to us may seem difficult but it is there that we will understand the ways of God.