Wednesday, October 13, 2021

28th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 14-10-2021

Romans 3:21-30 / Luke 11:47-54   

Whenever we hear about judgement and justice, what may come to mind is that there was some wrong-doing crime that was committed.

So the offenders are brought to judgement and punishment is meted out and justice is done.

That is how judgement and justice is commonly understood.

And that notion of judgement and justice may be applied when it come to religion.

When we hear about about God's judgement and justice, we may think of punishment for sin and that the sinner will have to pay for his sins.

But in the 1st reading, it said that God's justice was made known through the Law and the Prophets and it has now been revealed outside the Law.

It goes on to say that God held His hand on judgement and punishment for sin to show His mercy.

God's mercy is the expression of His justice, and God's justice was carried out when God appointed His only Son Jesus Christ to sacrifice His life  so as to win reconciliation through faith.

We all have sinned and we deserved judgement and punishment.

But through faith in Jesus, we are forgiven and justice is done through His death on the Cross.

May we not take God's mercy and love for granted and strive for reconciliation with God and with one another.