Wednesday, May 29, 2024

8th Week, Ordinary Time, Thursday, 30-05-2024

1 Peter 2:2-5, 9-12 / Mark 10:46-52  

One of the five sense is the sense of taste.

When we talk about taste, we are more inclined to talk about food.

We will talk about the taste of the food, and we will also share where to go to get a particular type of best tasting food.

But the sense of taste is not only to taste the food.

Because after tasting the food, we will consume the food.

The food goes into our digestive system and nourishes us.

So the sense of taste will discern whether the food is consumable, and whether we like the taste.

The 1st reading has this to say about taste: You have tasted the goodness of the Lord.

That also reminds us of Psalm 34:8 “Taste and see that the Lord is good”

So, taste, besides being a physical sensation, also has a spiritual dimension.

It is the taste and the heart feels of the love and sweetness of the Lord.

It is also that goodness and sweetness of the Lord that Bartimaeus, the blind man in the gospel, experienced that restored his sight.

It is with faith that we will experience that goodness and sweetness of the Lord.

May that taste of the Lord’s goodness and sweetness lead us on towards salvation.