Tuesday, May 14, 2024

7th Week of Easter, Wednesday, 15-05-2024

Acts 20:28-38 / John 17:11-19    

Life certainly has its troubles and we have our fair share of it.

We will worry, feel anxious, feel insecure, and feel frustrated with life.

But when we look deeper at all that, we may see that all that has a root cause.

That root cause is none other than fear.

Fear can come upon anyone at any time, and there seems to be no defense from it.

We fear the unknown and we also fear that we will be left all alone to face that unknown.

But in the gospel, Jesus assures us that He will keep us safe.

And He also prays to God His Father that we will be kept safe under His care.

We fear because we think that no one will protect us in our time of danger.

We fear because we think that we will be left all alone to face the unknown.

We fear because we choose to fear, and in choosing to fear, we become lost.

Let us choose to believe in Jesus. Let us put our trust in Jesus. 

In Jesus, we will be secure and we will be able to live life peacefully.