Friday, May 17, 2024

7th Week of Easter, Saturday, 18-05-2024

Acts 28:16-20, 30-31 / John 21:20-25  

To keep focused is tiring and a lot of energy is required.

Not only is it physically tiring, it is also mentally tiring.

But keeping focused is necessary in studies and at work.

Keeping focused is also necessary in sports and endurance activities.

Success and victory will be the result of one who is able to keep focused.

But there are distractions, and there are many distractions.

In the gospel, Peter had declared his love for Jesus, and not once but three times.

Just when Peter seemed so convicted about his committed love for Jesus, he turned and saw the disciple that Jesus loved.

And then he lost focus and lost concentration, and turned his attention to that disciple.

But Jesus rebuked Peter and said to him: What does it matter to you? You are to follow me.

When we think about what Jesus said to Peter, we may need to ask ourselves: Is there anything that mattered more, or more important than being focused on loving Jesus.

Let us turn our eyes to Jesus and keep our eyes on Him.

And let us keep our eyes focused on the road of love and life.