Thursday, November 30, 2023

34th Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 01-12-2023

Daniel 7:2-14 / Luke 21:29-33   

Throughout the course of history, many kingdoms have come and gone.

Even in the Bible, there were great kingdoms that are mentioned.

There were the kingdoms of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome, some of which were mentioned in the vision of the prophet Daniel in the 1st reading.

Those great kingdoms and their powerful leaders have left legacies in world history and also in Bible history.

But their legacies have remained as just accounts in history books.

In his vision, the prophet Daniel mentioned a great figure who was conferred an eternal sovereignty, glory and kingship.

And his kingdom will also never be destroyed; it is an eternal kingdom.

In the gospel, Jesus says that the kingdom of God is near at hand.

We know that the kingdom of God is already present in the world.

Worldly powers may try to overcome and destroy the kingdom of God which is present in the Church.

But we know that the worldly powers will come and go, they will rise and fall.

But the kingdom of God is an eternal kingdom, and will stand forever.

Because even if heaven and earth will pass away, the words of Jesus will never pass away, because He is the eternal Word of God.

Let us believe in the eternal word of Jesus, and we will be in the eternal kingdom of God.