Romans 13:8-10 / Luke 14:25-33
Human beings are social beings, and it is in our nature to interact with each other.
It is through our interactions that we form and build relationships.
For us Christians, our relationships take on two directions.
Following the commandment of love, we revere God and we also respect others.
We are obligated to revere God as our Creator and our Saviour.
From God, we receive love and we are called to love others.
To love others begins with respecting their dignity as persons created in the image of God.
That is essentially what the 1st reading is teaching us.
So, when we love God and to respect others, then we will have life-giving relatioships.
As the 1st reading says profoundly: Love is the one thing that cannot hurt your neighbour; that is why it is the answer to every one of the commandments.