Friday, November 3, 2023

30th Week, Ordinary Time, Saturday, 04-11-2023

Romans 11:1-2, 11-12, 25-29 / Luke 14:1, 7-11   

It is said that the only way to gain experience is to make some mistakes.

Of course, there are other ways to gain experience, and no one would intentionally make a mistake so as to gain some experience.

Nonetheless, an experience gained from making a mistake is valuable and it is also etched into the memory.

In the 1st reading, St. Paul talks about his own people as the Chosen People of God.

From the time they came out of Egypt to the time they settled in the Promised Land, the Chosen People of God went through cycles of unfaithfulness, punishment, repentance and restoration.

Still, God did not reject the people He had chosen, and St. Paul said that their stumbling and falling in their faithfulness to God is a lesson for us.

They stumbled and fell because of pride and disobedience, and we should learn from that.

We should learn to be humble and not to be too prideful and think too highly of ourselves or that we are better than others.

That is also the lesson that Jesus wants us to learn in the gospel parable.

Yes, by our pride and ego, we stumble and fall.

But let us also have the humility to turn to God and ask for forgiveness, and He will raise us up.

We have learnt many lessons in life, but let us always remember that God loves the humble and contrite of heart.