Sunday, July 23, 2023

16th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 24-07-2023

Exodus 14:5-18 / Matthew 12:38-42   

Whenever we are faced with difficulties and problems, we will dig into our resources and abilities to find solutions.

It may be financial difficulties, or relationship problems, or work challenges.

We will seek help from people whom we think will be able to assist us.

But the acid test of our limitations and the limitations of the people whom we think can help us is when we are faced with mortal danger.

In the 1st reading, when the Israelites saw that the Egyptian army was closing in on them, they knew they were in grave mortal danger.

They were certainly no match for the Egyptian army and they cried out in fear.

And in that fear and chaos, they even blamed Moses and said all sort of disparaging things.

But Moses knew who will come to their rescue when he said this:
Have no fear! Stand firm, and you will see what the Lord will do to save you today. The Egyptians you see today, you will never see again. The Lord will do the fighting for you. You have only to keep still.

Let us remember these words of Moses, and when we face difficulties and problems, let us remember to keep still and say a prayer.

Let the Lord our God be always our first option, our last option and also the in-between option.

The Lord our God is more than just an option. He is our salvation. Let us put all our trust in Him.