Monday, July 10, 2023

14th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 11-07-2023

Genesis 32:23-33 / Matthew 9:32-38     

The presence of evil in the world is an undeniable fact.

It can be seen in how people do bad things to others, hatred and violence are manifested between groups, and how crimes are committed against the innocent.

And there is also injustice, oppression, persecution and other forms of evil.

Jesus came to overcome evil through deliverance and casting out evil spirits.

He also cured all kinds of diseases and illnesses.

In all that He did, the Good News of salvation is proclaimed.

Jesus gave hope to the poor and suffering, to the lowly and lost.

He is the Saviour and the Good Shepherd to those who are harassed and dejected.

And He also said this: The harvest is rich but the labourers are few, so ask the Lord of the harvest to send labourers to his harvest.

Evil can only continue to manifest and become a brutal force when we Christians do nothing about it.

As we ask the Lord to send labourers to His harvest, let us also be ready to respond to the Lord’s call when He wants to send us into His harvest.