Sunday, July 9, 2023

14th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 10-07-2023

Genesis 28:10-22 / Matthew 9:18-26    

When life gets rough and tough, it is not that easy to remain calm.

Especially when misfortune falls upon us and on our loved ones, we will certainly get emotional.

We may or will even question God and get angry with Him for not caring for us and not answering our prayers for help.

In the gospel, the official who bowed low in front of Jesus and the woman who was suffering from the haemorrhage for twelve years had their share of pain and suffering.

The official’s daughter had died and he was in sorrow and grieving.

The woman suffering from the haemorrhage was already worn out by pain and helplessness.

Both of them had tasted the bitterness of tragedy and misfortune.

Both of them would have gotten angry with God and even shouted at Him.

Both of them needed to experience the care and the saving love of God.

God looked upon their faith and humility and answered their prayer.

In the face of suffering, misfortune and tragedy, let us hold on to our faith in God.

Let us be humble and ask the Lord God to look with kindness upon us.

And God will surely answer our prayers that are offered with faith and humility.