Thursday, March 23, 2023

4th Week of Lent, Friday, 24-03-2023

Wisdom 2:1, 12-22 / John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30     

It is said that where there is smoke, there could be a fire.

Similarly, when we hear something offensive said about us, we might be offended and the fire of anger starts to burn in us.

But as we take a moment to think about it, when we feel offended by what others say about us, could it be that what they said is not wrong.

Instead, what they said about us could be right, and it is up to us to react or to respond.

In the 1st reading, we heard what the godless say to themselves, with their misguided reasoning.

They insult the virtuous, and even want to put them to the test with cruelty and torture.

But strangely, what the godless say is true, because that is what we say we believe in.

Well, we say that we believe that God loves us, that we are called to do good, that God will protect us and rescue us from the clutches of our enemies.

We even say that the final, and eternal end, of the virtuous, is the reward of happiness with God.

With that being said, then are we prepared to have our faith and love, our gentleness and endurance be put to the test?

Will we still believe that God will look after us and reward us for our faithfulness?

So when we hear challenging things being said about us and about our beliefs, let us respond by bearing witness to God and what He wants of us.

Let us be living witnesses that holiness in life will be rewarded in eternity.