Tuesday, March 7, 2023

2nd Week of Lent, Wednesday, 08-03-2023

Jeremiah 18:18-20 / Matthew 20:17-26    

We do things for a reason, whatever the reason may be.

Whether the reason makes good sense or not, that is another matter.

But one thing for sure, and that is we don’t do things without a reason.

We can’t be doing something and yet we do not know why we are doing it.

For evil to do harm to the good, no reason is really needed.

Because it is in the nature of evil to harm, to destroy and even to kill.

In the 1st reading, the prophet Jeremiah had to come to terms with why evil is returned for good.

But the reality is that evil does not recognize goodness, and in fact it is totally opposed to good.

So evil does not need to reason to harm and to destroy the good, just as the evil people were out to destroy Jeremiah for no reason whatever.

But on the other hand, we know that God does not need a reason to do good because He is all good and goodness naturally flows out from God to His creation and to His people.

We are called to be like God, and hence, there is no need for a reason to do good.

And we must keep on doing good because we are called to be good and because that is the only way to keep evil at bay.