Wednesday, March 1, 2023

1st Week of Lent, Thursday, 02-03-2023

Esther 4:17 / Matthew 7:7-12      

As a Christian, prayer is a fundamental and essential aspect of our lives.

Because prayer is an expression of our relationship with God.

Prayer is not just petitions and to ask for things but more of thanksgiving for the love that God has for us.

And we pray because we want to give thanks to God for loving us and saving us.

So, in the gospel, Jesus tells us to pray with confidence, that when we ask, God will give us, when we search, God will help us find and when we knock the door will open.

Yes, how much more will God our Father give good things to those who ask Him.

But there will be times when we will face deep distress and desolation, like how queen Esther felt in the 1st reading.

She took refuge with the Lord in the mortal peril which had overtaken her, and she besought the Lord in desperate prayer.

So when we face serious trouble and deep distress in our lives, let us not lose faith, but turn to the Lord in prayer.

As Jesus promised us, how can God our Father, who loves us, not give good things to those who ask Him.