Monday, November 22, 2021

34th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 23-11-2021

Daniel 2:31-45 / Luke 21:5-11     

When it comes to sight, it is usually understood as what the eyes perceive.

So the eyes see what is the tangible physical and material reality that is around.

But seeing can also mean something intangible as in a vision or something beyond the tangible.

In the 1st reading, king Nebuchadnezzar had a dream in which he had a vision of what was described in the 1st reading.

It does not exist in reality, but it has a meaning, and that meaning was interpreted by the prophet Daniel.

It gave the king of the events that are to come, and as the prophet Daniel said, it was the great God who has shown the king what is to take place.

So what the king will do about it, and whether he believed it, and how he was to prepare for it will be his decision.  

In the gospel, the people were looking at the beauty of the Temple, but Jesus gave a prophecy of what was to come.

All that has passed, and it is now for us to look around and to reflect about what God is showing us in what we see.

But we can only come to know what God wants us to do by reflecting on His Word.

May the Word of God grant peace to our hearts and we live our lives according to His will so that we will live life and live it to the full.