Thursday, November 4, 2021

31st Week, Ordinary Time, Friday, 05-11-2021

Romans 15:14-21 / Luke 16:1-8  

Some of us may be proud of our memory abilities, while other may not.

We may be amazed at how some people can remember so many things with so many details, while we may fret over why we keep forgetting things or why we stepped into a room.

But whether it is photographic memory or a foggy memory, there is another aspect and it can be called selective memory.

We remember the things that we want to remember, especially when it is to our convenience and advantage.

But those things that seem difficult and troublesome, we just keep it aside and we even try not to think about it. But the fact is that we can't forget it.

In the 1st reading, St. Paul says that the reason why he had written to the Romans and put some things rather strongly, was to refresh their memories.

In other words, he wants to remind them of the necessary things for being a Christian and to keep to those precepts and teachings that they have been taught.

In the gospel, the dishonest steward, in his time of reckoning, could only think of his own benefit and he could only remember those whom he could take advantage of.

He could not remember, or he didn't want to remember, that his master trusted him to be his steward, and that he had abused his position.

Let us always remember God's love for us. The Cross and the Sacred Heart of Jesus are reminders of God's love. 

And let us always remember to love God and to love others.