Sunday, November 28, 2021

1st Week of Advent, Monday, 29-11-2021

Isaiah 2:1-5 / Matthew 8:5-11   

A soldier is one who is engaged in military service and commonly in the army.

So it can generally be presumed that a soldier is trained to fight with weapons and will do so in a battle.

But what is really the role of a soldier and what does he fight for?

A good soldier can be said to be one who fights, not because of what he hates is in front of him.

Rather, a good soldier fights, because of what he loves is behind him.

So, a good soldier fights to defend and not so much to destroy.

What humanity needs to understand is that war and violence does not prove who is right.

What is right is the need for reconciliation and to work for peace.

Then swords will be hammered into ploughshares and spears into sickles.

And we pray that those with military power and might will be like the centurion who recognises and acknowledges the authority of Jesus.

For Jesus is the Prince of peace. And we will have peace when we listen to His Word.