Friday, October 27, 2023

Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles, Saturday, 28-10-2023

Ephesians 2:19-22 / Luke 6:12-19     

Today, the Church celebrates the feastday and honours the two Apostles, St. Simon and St. Jude.

As with most of the Apostles, there are not much details about the lives of these two saints.

But traditional accounts have it that they went to Persia to preach the Good News and were martyred there.

As with the rest of the Apostles, their lives before they became followers of Jesus were not that important.

What was important is who and what they became after following Jesus Christ.

And St. Simon and St. Jude found their true meaning in life when it came to laying their lives down for Jesus.

These two saints showed us that they responded to God’s call to follow Jesus and even to the point of giving up their lives for Jesus.

We ask for their prayers that we too will be able to respond to God’s call as they did.

And in our desperate moments of despair, let us also pray to St. Jude who is the Patron Saint for desperate and hopeless cases.

May we follow the example of the saints by following Jesus faithfully by giving glory to God and serving others with love.