Sunday, October 29, 2023

30th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 30-10-2023

Romans 8:12-17 / Luke 13:10-17

When we think about it, we may see that it is actually easier and more convenient to follow procedures, processes and SOPs.

We are not required to have initiatives or make suggestions and modifications.

And when things go wrong, we just have to point to the procedures, the processes and the SOPs.

But when we think deeper about it, then our non-involvement and indifference make us lifeless and uncreative.

It is like living with a spirit, or what the 1st reading calls it “unspiritual lives”.

On the other hand, to be moved by the Spirit can mean uncertainty and difficulty.

In the gospel, Jesus used the word “hypocrites” on the people who were focused on keeping to the rules and regulations of the Sabbath and forgetting about purpose of the Sabbath.

We too can be indifferent about our faith and think that all we need to do is to follow the religious precepts and prescriptions.

But the spirit we have received moves us to live as children of God.

So let us understand the letter of the law and its purpose.

But let us have the courage to be moved by the Spirit to do what is right, good and loving