Monday, October 2, 2023

26th Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 03-10-2023

Zechariah 8:20-23 / Luke 9:51-56   

When we have experienced the gracious and wonderful blessings from the Lord our God, we know that we cannot keep it to ourselves.

We are witnesses of the Good News of God’s love and there are people who are waiting to hear this Good News.

They are looking for the God that they can believe in and rely upon.

They are looking for the God who will answer their prayers in their time of need.

They are looking for the God who cares and provides for them.

The 1st reading tells of people of other nations who want to know about the God of Israel.

They want to entreat the favour of the Lord , and seek the Lord of hosts.

And since they are fervently seeking the Lord, then we must be even more fervent in leading them to the Lord.

But there are times when the people we want to share the Good News with are not favourable towards us or even hostile towards us.

Such was the situation that Jesus faced, and the disciples James and John even wanted to retaliate with calling down fire from heaven upon them.

But Jesus rebuked the two of them and continued with the journey.

So as much as we think that there are people who need to hear the Good News and to know who God is, let us also know that it is God who initiates the call.

And when they hear the call and begin to search for God, let us be there to guide them.