Sunday, October 22, 2023

29th Week, Ordinary Time, Monday, 23-10-2023

Romans 4:20-25 / Luke 12:13-21   

To make a promise is certainly not a casual act.

To make a promise is more than just keeping one’s word

To make a promise is to put one’s character and integrity into it.

But because too many promises have been broken, so even the word itself does not sound that serious anymore.

But when God makes a promise, we can be sure that He will keep it.

In the 1st reading, when God made a promise to Abraham, Abraham refused to either deny it or even to doubt it.

Abraham drew strength from faith and gave glory to God, convinced that God had the power to do what He had promised.

Jesus is the promise of God. Jesus is the promised Saviour.

And Jesus taught us to believe and trust in God’s providence that He will take care of us.

To deny or to doubt the promise of God is to be foolish and to rely on ourselves.

So, even when we have an abundance of wealth and possessions, we must realise that we can’t take it beyond this world.

Let us remember that faith is our treasure, and let us make ourselves rich in the sight of God.